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Wednesday 9 September 2015


According to Isaac Newton for every action there is a corresponding opposite and equal reaction. This third law of motion, which all physics students are familiar with, is true and a fact. If you decide, out of anger, to punch a wall,the wall will punch you back. And if your action is strong enough you might actually break the bones of your hand in the processes and the wall will remain intact (let’s remove Judo from the scene here). Why is this so? The answer is not far-fetched. The wall is reacting to your very action. You are able to sit on a chair because the chair is reacting to the your weight. If your action is greater than the reaction of the chair then you would break the chair. The bottom line of this paragraph is nature has a way of balancing action with an effect. Evaporation of the water leads to rain. Man uses this same principle to launch rockets to space. The propulsion of a rocket to space is due to the combustion of gases at the rear of the rocket. A downward thrust is created at the rear and the rocket is propelled upward.
Cause and Effect
This is also true of every aspect of our lives. As it is in heaven so it is on earth. As it is in the spiritual realm so it is on this physical plane. But many are blind to this Truth. Everything you see around you started in the spiritual plane. What we see was first a thought in the mind of some one and that is spiritual. A man commits suicide by jumping off a bridge, on his own accord, and plunges to his death is actually the effect of a cause. That cause is a thought in the mind of the man. And if you point a search light to the man’s mind you will find one word- Impossibility. Another man, probably in the same city as the former, invents a machine and is paid handsomely for his invention. What you witnessed is an effect with a cause and that cause is one word also. Go ahead and make a guess…. If your guess is POSSIBILITY, then you guessed right. There is nothing without a cause.
At a junction close to my house I see a lady who begs for alms everyday. She always has a smile plastered on her face. And I know she has a great thought in her. I tell you even in her condition she looks beautiful. How can’t she be? Everytime I look into her eyes I smile and that is the beauty of that smile that she wears. This is a far cry to another lady I know who works in a bank and is always frowning. If we should look at her thoughts I would not be surprised if we find negative thoughts there.
A student does well in her examination. That is the effect. The cause is she studied well or paid her way to get the result (I know what’s happening now-a-days). If it is the latter somewhere along the line it becomes obvious. Another failed. The cause is lack of preparation. One gets a promotion and another is demoted or sacked. Cause and effect is still in play here.
There is always a cause and what we see is the effect. An iceberg is larger below the water surface. The tip of the iceberg that we see is a small portion of the true picture. The tip of the iceberg is akin to the effect and the larger part of the iceberg, below the surface of the water, which we do not see can be ascribed as the cause. Take a few minutes to think through what you have been reading so far. You have a thought pattern and that thought pattern is your cause. The effect is what people see around you. If you can change your thought pattern you would have changed the effect. Job, in the bible, said “all I have THOUGHT has come onto me”. It was a negative thought pattern. After his spiritual metal was altered he acquired more than he had before he fell. I wouldn’t be surprised if he changed his thought pattern along the way. In the movie ‘Green Lantern’ I had a statement that changed my life for ever. I would state it here: “Fear is the opposite of WILL… Fear makes you create evil… Fear makes you defend and when you defend you die.” Fear is the cause and the effect is death. It’s time you changed fear to WILL. WILL strengthens you because WILL gives you HOPE. HOPE makes you stronger. Both fear and HOPE are spiritual qualities. They are thought patterns- the base of icebergs that we cannot see. But we can feel them. How do you know you are have either one of them? When you have thoughts of fear you feel bad and when you have thoughts of HOPE you feel GO(O)D.
Now that you know there is cause and effect, and the cause is stronger than the effect (in relation to the spiritual and the physical respectively) what is the next step to change you destiny? ACTION is the answer. Act NOW. Start changing your mindset. Make it POSITIVE.

Credits: hub201

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