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Wednesday, 18 November 2015

How Sperm Facial Treatment Leaves My Skin Nice And Soft

Do you know that regular application of sperm on
your face will keep it glowing? according to Tracy
Kiss, a British beauty Vlogger posted this on
YouTube demonstrated how this natural method
has been working tremendously well for her.
The 28-year-old mother of two who suffers from a
skin condition called rosacea, says a beautician
recommended an acid facial could treat her
rosacea. With such suggestion she decided to try
sperm facials and that her boyfriend provide her
with semen in a plastic pot everyday.

“The topic of semen facials came up,” she says.
“And I began researching the use of semen as a
facial ingredient. I found that many experts had
confirmed its benefits. Semen builds babies, they
come out very soft and have beautiful skin, and it
leaves my skin nice and soft so I’m very happy to
use this as a facial.”
Tracy advises her YouTube followers to adopt the
style that it will make their skin to be beautiful,
smooth and soft.

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